Wednesday 12 October 2011

Buying a car

    Almost everyone has a car here, and there is a saying:"No car, no feet." I totally agree. But we are new-comers,should we buy or just rent one? I have no idea, so we just think about it, then make a decision.
    Driving a car is a good idea for my husband but not for me. When we talked about getting a car, obviously he had more interest than me. Then the first car of our family will given to him. I totally agree with that. Just like my children said, Dad is the owner and driver. We are the passengers. What we should do is sit down and tell dad where we want to go, dad has the responsibility of carrying us to the right place."
   We really need a car. First, my husband likes driving the car. Second, he can drive to work. Third, he can go anywhere he likes by driving the car.Fourth, he can drive to supermarket and buy a lot of things without worry whether we can carry or not. Fifth, when we go out to play, we don't  need to take the TTC anymore. Finally, he can pick up our children after school.
   Should we buy a new car or a second-hand one? It's not a question for my husband and me. Both of us have not experience in driving, so maybe buying a new one is not a good idea for us. We decided to buy a used one to have some practice. The most importance of all is that we can save a lot of money on the car price and insurance.
  Based on our decision, we decided to look for the car in the Internet. Its kind, the style, the price, the quality were not my business. The job for my children and I was to tell him that we didn't like this one or that one. So he had to work hard to explore and find one we liked and to pay for it. It's a good idea for someone as lazy as I.
  Finally, on the evening of July 30th, he gave us a big surprise--he just have bought one-- It was a very beautiful white, Mazda 6. My children like it so much and so do my husband and I. we can go anywhere we like!
  In short, car is very important to our life. I love the life with a car.


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